Workshops Speakers
Prof. Hesham Tawakol
Conference Chairman
Consultant Neonatologist Program Director
Neonatal Fellowship
Corniche Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dr. Talal Al Tamimi
Women's Health Hospital in King Abdulaziz Medical City,
National Guard, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Neonatologist - Neonatal Hemodynamics and POCUS
Ms. Wedad Aziz Ghali
Senior Physical Therapist,
Corniche Hospital, UAE
Dr. Alok Sharma
Chair Training, Standards and Accreditation,
MPROvE Academy
Consultant Neonatologist
Corniche Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Mr. Nazir Alam Burki
Chief Respiratory Therapist
Corniche Hospital
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dr. Bibian N. Ofoegbu
Neonatal and Perinatology
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dr. Zahreddin Abusalah
Consultant Neonatologist
Latifa Hospital, Dubai
Clinical Associate Professor
MBRU, Dubai